Mortimer & Whitehouse Gone Fishing
I felt very privileged to have been asked to shoot with these two comedy legends and with a brief which meant that we could take time over our shots and enjoy the landscapes.

"The most nightmarish, dystopian film of 2017 didn’t come from Hollywood" - CNN
Recently I was the DoP of Slaughterbots – a 7-minute short, commissioned by the Elon Musk and Stephen Hawking backed "Future of Life Institute", which examines the positive – and in this case the negative – effects of cutting-edge technology, especially AI. We made the film in a ‘found-footage’ style, with a TED talk beginning, followed by scenes of a rapid disintegration in society, as terrorist-controlled micro drones attack the Capitol Building and a university campus.

Mini 1499 GT
Commercial for Mini 1499 GT shot on a carpark roof in Tobacco Dock for RSA

Castrol 3MM
A film for Castrol about the late Irv who had driven his Volvo P1800 for 3 million miles using GTX

The Race Against Polio
Produced by RSA/M&C Saatchi for the Gates foundation, screened at the G8 conference and filmed in Pakistan